Probabilistic and Reinforcement Learning Track

2023 International Planning Competition

Competition Instance Generators

Instance generators for all 8 competition domains are released for the benefit of the competitors. The competition instances (pre-released and unseen) will be generated using theses generators as well.

The generators are included in the distribution of pyRDDLGym under pyRDDLGym/Examples/InstanceGenerators and can be accessed directly (via import). They can also be accessed through the ExampleManager interface for pyRDDLGym version 1.0.4 and above.

Once an Example manager object has been instanciated an instance can be generated via the interface:

EnvInfo = ExampleManager.GetEnvInfo(env)
EnvInfo.generate_instance(name, param, path)

The generate_instance method has the following signature:

string ExampleManager.generate_instance(string name, dict param, string path[optional])

As each domain has different set of parameters we document here the dictionary keys required for each domain


A problem with a single zone and a single heater:

params = {
          'num_heaters': 1,
          'num_zones': 1,
          'density': 1.0,
          'temp-zone-range-init': (0., 15.),
          'temp-heater-range-init': (0., 10.),
          'TEMP-ZONE-MIN': 22.0,
          'TEMP-ZONE-MAX': 25.0,
          'p-switch-number': 0,
          'p-switch-prob': 0.02,
          'horizon': 100,
          'discount': 1.0


A problem with a single rover and a single mineral to harvest:

params = {
          'num_minerals': 1,
          'num_rovers': 1,
          'location_bounds': (-10., 10.),
          'area_bounds': (3., 6.),
          'value_bounds': (0., 20.), 
          'horizon': 100,
          'discount': 1.0

Mountain Car

A problem with a single valley:

params = {
          'terrain_xleft': -1.2,
          'terrain_widths': [0.7, 1.1],
          'terrain_heights': [0.9, 0.9], 
          'num_points': 100,
          'pos': -0.6,
          'vel': 0.01,
          'goal-min': 0.5,
          'horizon': 200,
          'discount': 1.0

Power Generation

A problem with a single generator:

params = {
          'num_gas': 1,
          'num_nuclear': 0,
          'num_solar': 0,
          'demand_scale': 1.0,
          'temp_variance': 5.0,
          'temp_range': (-30.0, 40.0),
          'horizon': 100, 'discount': 1.0


A simple problem without obstacles:

params = {
          'num_blocks': 0,
          'min_block_size': 0.0,
          'max_block_size': 0.0,
          'scale': 1.0,
          'goal_radius': 0.06,
          'horizon': 200,
          'discount': 1.0


A problem with providers selling the same commodity:

params = {
        'provider_dispersion': 10.0,
        'provider_fan_out': 1,
        'num_provider_clusters': 1,
        'num_users': 100,
        'docs_per_cluster': 2,
        'user_stddev': 20.0,
        'horizon': 100,
        'discount': 1.0,

Reservior Control

A problem with a single reservoir to be controlled:

params = {
          'num_reservoirs': 1,
          'max_edges': 1,
          'top_range': (100., 200.),
          'target_range': (0.4, 0.7),
          'rain_var': 5.,
          'horizon': 100,
          'discount': 1.


A problem with a single controllable UAV:

params = {
          'num_aircraft': 1,
          'num_control': 1,
          'variance': 1.0,
          'xrange': (-50., 50.),
          'yrange': (-50., 50.),
          'zrange': (0., 100.),
          'horizon': 100,
          'discount': 1.0